Recently, one of my entrepreneur coaching clients reminded me of the power of the coach’s belief.
When I asked her about her biggest take away from our session, she said: “You believe in me when I don’t believe in myself. Your belief in me shifted my limiting belief.”
She herself had doubts and did not quite believe in herself. In our session I was able to connect with her deep inner power. I knew 100% this part of her is more than capable of achieving any goal she set herself. And, she felt it.
My belief in her almost magically created a massive energetic and emotional shift that helped her to move past the limiting beliefs, the voice of self-sabotage and confusion.
Although I know about the power of belief, I had not paid specific attention to it as the priceless asset it is when working with my clients.
Up to that point, it was just something I had, a powerful and intuitive feeling that allowed me to help my clients create massive shifts in mindsets quickly.
In this post we are going to look at the five most powerful steps to create those shifts.
Power Step 1: Make use of the universal law – ‘Energy follows thought’
Did you know that research in classrooms has shown that when teachers fully believe in their students, they excel even if they have low IQ scores?
Your beliefs, like thoughts, are strong energetic forces. They travel in the direction of the thoughts generated by your beliefs.
So, if you believe 100% in your clients or team members, they will experience this unconsciously, in most cases, or sometimes even consciously.
Allow yourself to become aware of your belief in the other person, consciously.
Feel it in your body, your energy field.
Notice the images and words that characterise this belief in them.
You do not even need to tell them that you believe in them 100%. Your belief will express itself through your body language, you voice quality, your words and you energy.
Just by doing this, it will lift up the other person.
Power Step 2: Eliminate your own self-doubts
If you experience any doubts about the person check in with yourself to determine if this is a lack of trust in yourself or your own self-doubt that is rearing its ugly head.
In this case, this is best taken away and addressed offline, before trying to work with anyone else on their challenge.
If your energy is incongruent, it will come across to the other person – even if this is on an unconscious level – and will affect the impact you can make.
Work with your own coach or mentor to shift whatever self-doubt or identity level self- devaluing pattern you are running. Alternatively work through those doubts on your own.
Power Step 3: Meet arising doubts about others head on
If this is truly a doubt about the other person, address it right now. Ask questions to understand more about this particular challenge to discover, if this doubt is:
- Showing up a truly an impossible endeavour at this stage that the individual has not thought through at all?
You can address this by asking lot of questions and helping the person to discover the resources they need to resolve or achieve the challenge, or reframe the goal into something more achievable.
- Highlighting the person’s own self-doubts rather than yours?
Here you can reaffirm you belief in the person either verbally or energetically. You can also help them recognise this self-doubt and identify all the resources they have to move past the challenge.
- A warning flag to tell you step away and do not work with this person?
Some people are not coachable or are not willing to take on change for whatever reason. It is best in this case to leave them be, and wait until they are ready to step up.
Power Step 4: Show your belief proactively
There are many ways that you can show others how you show others we believe in them. The two I recommend to start with:
- Praise.
Celebrate them when they are on the right track, make progress or achieve a goal.
- Speak from the point of them having achieved their goal.
Energetically you are already at the point where the client has achieved their goal. You just invite them to join you there. It is like having crossed the road, and asking the other person to walk across to meet you.
Power Step 5: Facilitate the client to connect with their power
The two simple and effective tools to do this are:
- Anchoring past achievements:
No one, and I mean no one!, hasn’t had at least one achievement they are proud of in their past. Remind them of their resourcefulness and their abilities to achieve their goals.
- Showcasing the resources they do have:
Everyone has a power core, where they trust themselves, in other’s essence and in life. That is universal. Most of us have either completely lost that connection or it has been temporarily disabled by the mind chatter and self-doubts. Highlight the resources that you know they do have.
These could be very simple abilities initially e.g.
- the ability to ask questions,
- the ability to assimilate information, and building on from there to:
- the ability to plan a project,
- the ability to focus and get things done.
This usually unlocks a whole range of other resources the client had been disconnected from.
I would really love to hear from you in the comments what action are you taking today to show others your belief in them?
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