
Take care how you emit your emotions – they might hurt someone | anger

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One afternoon, in my local Starbucks, I experienced someone’s rather strong energetic discharge of anger.A woman, dressed in a smart, grey business suit, was fidgety and stressed because of the seemingly long wait for her coffee. She forcibly made her displeasure known to the barista, who given the volume of coffees to be made, was doing her best to be as quick as possible.

As I was standing behind the woman, I could not hear her words. I felt them though, and wish I had not. A massive wave of angry, stressed and vitriolic energy was coming off her.The discharge was almost visible so high was the voltage. It surprised me that it emanated (more like shot out – like machine gun fire) from her heart area front and back.

I had previously never consciously felt the energy of anger and downright vitriol so strongly coming off another person.

After the customer had quickly grabbed her coffee, and had almost run out of the shop, the shocked barista could not contain herself any longer. She broke into tears and ran out towards the back. No wonder, the poor barista probably did not know what had hit her.When I asked the other baristas if their colleague was going to be OK, they told me this kind of verbal attack on staff happened a few times a day. This is terrible in itself, as all the staff are really nice and friendly, and their do their best to be quick. It is however even more shocking that so many people are obviously unaware and oblivious to the impact of their emotional discharge on others.This incident, which only took a minute or less, reminded of the Institute of Heartmath’s study of the heart’s electromagnetic field being more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions. If I had ever doubted this study, I had living proof of it that day.I must say, I left the shop rather rattled – thinking about the power of emotions and how we can hurt (and conversely also bring joy to) somebody just by what emotion we discharge.

I also wondered if this customer did not discharge her massive anger at someone where does this anger go? If it stays inside, what kind of damage does such a charge do to the body?

Needless to say, as soon as got into the park on the way home, I performed a number of quick emotion and energy clearing process on myself to remove any residual impact from myself.

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